The manga continues with a retelling of the events that happened in Boruto after starting with a conflict between a young Boruto Uzumaki and an enemy named Kawaki that occurs after the devastation of his village: The new information-containing Naruto movie. [3] The Seventh Hokage Naruto Uzumaki’s son, Boruto Uzumaki, holds it against him because his father put the demands of the community above those of his family. The daughter of Sasuke and Sakura Uchiha, Sarada, and Mitsuki, a synthetic son made by Orochimaru, join forces with Boruto at that point. All of them are members of a ninja team led by Konohamaru Sarutobi, a student of Sarutobi who served as Naruto’s mentor. To inform Naruto about the impending threat presented by Kaguya tsutsuki and his goals, Sasuke has returned to the town. He will deliver the word to him. Sasuke is asked to help Boruto get ready for the upcoming Chunin exam as part of Boruto’s attempt to make a good impression on his father. Sasuke met a couple named Momoshiki and Kinshiki tsutsuki, who abduct Naruto as he is taking the exam so they may use kurama, a tailed beast imprisoned within Naruto’s body, to revive the dying Divine Tree in the world they came from. The four Kages, the headmen of the other ninja villages, Boruto, Sasuke, and Sasuke have set out to rescue Naruto since he is in danger. Momoshiki, who had sacrificed Kinshiki to bolster his own power, is destroyed by Boruto and Naruto with the help of Sasuke, bringing the conflict to a conclusion. Despite this, Momoshiki manages to live long enough to reveal to Boruto his full potential and warn him of upcoming difficulties. After he has recovered from the fight, Boruto realizes that he will one day become just like Sasuke and advises Sarada to follow her dream of becoming Hokage.
Tento, the son of the Fire Daimyo, is protected by Boruto on his second deployment as his bodyguard. The desire to be acknowledged by each of their dads is something that Boruto and Tento learn to share at this time. Tento is taken hostage by the Mujina, a group of outlaws, but is eventually freed by Boruto. However, as he is aware of Momoshiki’s mark on Boruto, the leader of the Mujina gang is detained. Finding out that a group is hunting for people with the Karma insignia, Naruto and the others investigate the matter. Kara is the name of this group. A boy with Karma named Kawaki, who is on the run from Kara, is encountered by the team lead by Boruto. Kawaki becomes a part of the Uzumaki family by adoption, which is done in order to protect him. While Naruto and Sasuke are struggling to protect Kawaki, Jigen, the leader of the Kara, defeats them both. When Sasuke escapes the castle, Jigen locks up Naruto. As a consequence of his Karma, Momoshiki captures Boruto, who is afterwards rescued by Team 7 who also saves Naruto. Sasuke learns that the tsutsuki clan wants to take over all Karma users, including Jigen, once they are all aware of this. Koji Kashin challenges Jigen while Amado travels to Konoha to request asylum in return for information. This information reveals that the real leader of Kara is Isshiki, who has been in possession of Jigen ever since he was betrayed by Kaguya when they arrived on Earth millennia ago, and that Karma permits the tsutsuki clan to resurrect through the host’s body. A insurrection starts to develop in Kara in the meanwhile. Despite killing Jigen, causing Isshiki to reincarnate incorrectly, and destroying Kawaki’s karma in the process, Koji is able to force Isshiki to leave before leaving to attack Konoha.
Isshiki searches unsuccessfully there for Kawaki. He is immediately challenged by Naruto, who then prepares for combat. Sasuke and Naruto quickly chase Boruto and Isshiki when Boruto teleports them to another reality and expels them from the hamlet. Boruto is Momoshiki’s vessel, thus Isshiki wants to feed Boruto to his Ten Tails so that they may develop a Divine Tree, which is what he plans to achieve. Naruto uses the Baryon Mode, his new power, to defeat Isshiki before Kawaki can trick him, resulting in Isshiki’s death. But Kurama’s life is lost as a result of this triumph. Using his Rinnegan to stab Sasuke in the chest while under the influence of Momoshiki, Boruto killed Sasuke. Sasuke and Kawaki will have to take on Momoshiki while Boruto is still recovering from his wounds. In order to fulfill tsutsuki’s instructions, Isshiki commands Code, who was guarding the Ten-Tails, to sacrifice either Boruto or Kawaki to the Ten-Tails, consume the chakra fruit, and then turn into tsutsuki himself. Following Isshiki’s beating, he makes this plea. The Ten-Tails were under Code’s watch. Code swears solemnly that, in the footsteps of Naruto, Sasuke, Kawaki, and Boruto, he will seek retribution for Isshiki. He enters
Boro’s cover and promptly dispatches the security personnel. He then releases one
of Amado’s most potent cyborgs—originally meant to be killed by the previous
owner—which was then one of his most powerful creations. A female cyborg
named Eida offers to help Code murder Naruto in exchange for his sparing Kawaki,
with whom she may have a relationship. Her prowess at seduction keeps her from
experiencing true love, which is why. Kawaki and Boruto are already a part of
them, therefore she is able to experience it with them despite the fact that her
powers are ineffectual against tsutsuki.